At Walkern Primary School, our aim is to promote a love of physical activity and sport. It is our hope that through our wide - ranging P.E curriculum that all our children will have the opportunity to experience a form of sport or activity that inspires and motivates them. We believe that a good physical education is critical in providing children with the skills, resilience and confidence that they need to lead a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle for their future successes. Physical fitness is a priority at our school, we therefore ensure that all children take part in P.E lessons at least four times per week. Our curriculum is designed to ensure children have a thorough understanding of fitness fundamentals and key skills which they can then apply to a wide range of sports and activities, each year children get the opportunity to take part in activities such as - yoga, dance, gymnastics, basket ball, net ball, football and tag rugby, to name just a few.
We encourage our children to take pride in their physical achievements, understanding that competition can be with other teams but also with themselves as they learn to have the confidence to push themselves that next step further. Each year we celebrate our achievements with our sports day which is provided by our sporting partner Sports Zone. As well as providing high quality coaching in lesson time, Sports Zone also provide a range of after-school and holiday clubs which the children can attend. More information can be found about Sports Zone by following the link
Sports Coaching | SportZone UK