

Aprendo español

At Walkern we are excited to be learning Spanish as our second language. Our lessons always incorporate the four key skills required to effectively learn a foreign language; listening, speaking, reading and writing but also fun! Children are naturally inquisitive about language and the earlier they are exposed to a foreign language, the faster they will learn. Starting at an early age means the children become confident in giving new vocabulary ago and they enjoy the dynamic approach to learning as they build up their language skills. This will help the children in their learning as they move on to KS3 but will also enable them to develop a greater sense of the world around them. Learning focuses on practical means of communication and topics which are pertinent to the children's interests and lives. 



To support us in the children's learning we subscribe to Language Angels. This not only provides us with a comprehensive curriculum for our older children but also gives children is KS1 and EYFS the chance to start learning through catchy songs. 

Spanish Sequence of Learning