Year 2

Class Teacher - Miss Allen -

Teaching Assistant -  Miss Eastwood

Welcome to the Spring term in Year 2!

We have a very exciting term ahead, which this year includes a class play!  We are linking the play to our history learning and will retell the story of the Battle of Hastings! More information to follow!


Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 2

I love being back to school, especially when I am welcoming new pupils to the class!  I hope that you will all be very happy and will make lots of great progress this year. 

We will be having lots of fun in our learning this term, starting by learning about 'The Great Fire Of London'.  We are looking forward to an exciting visit to London where we will walk the streets where the Fire raged and hear the story of how it was spread, the destruction of London, and how it enabled Wren to transform the City! How exciting! 

Each term, we will be continuing to focus on improving our reading, and I hope that you will listen to your child read at home regularly, as this is so important to improving reading!

We will be having PE from Monday - Thursday, so please ensure that your child has a labelled PE kit in school on these days.  

Year 2 will have a fruit snack provided each day.

All homework will be set on 'doodle', please see the letter sent home for more information.

Look out for your termly curriculum booklet which will be sent home, as it has lots more information in it about the term.

If you have any questions throughout the term, please feel free to email me, or arrange an appointment.  



We began the term, on our first day back with a visit by the Stevenage Fire Service.  This was to launch our 'Great Fire of London' topic and created a great deal of excitement in the class.  Thank you to the firefighters who came gave the children some insights into their role, and gave us all some excellent fire safety tips.
