Design & Technology

Seqence of Learning

At Walkern Primary School, we provide a rich and challenging curriculum that provides a broad range of practical design technology opportunities for all children. Children learn how to plan, design, make, test and evaluate a range of products in the following areas: textiles, food technology, structures, digital technology, electrical systems and mechanical systems. Our curriculum provides the children with opportunities to explore, analyse and critique the work of influential designers as well as a range of existing products, and to develop and understand the vocabulary of design technology. Practical learning activities teach the children to be effective problem solvers and risk takers and help develop their resourcefulness and resilience as they design, make and evaluate products that are fit for purpose.  Our curriculum encourages the children to work independently, but also in collaboration with their peers, and equips them with the skills and confidence they need to progress through the primary syllabus and which they will use beyond primary school and throughout their lives.

Sequence of learning

Years 5 and 6 designed and created an electronic steady hand game. Through the unit, the class investigated what is meant by the phrases ‘fit for purpose’ and ‘form follows function.’  The class had to design and develop an electrical circuit and a housing and backboard for their game - with a  theme of their choice.

Years 5/6 analysed and tested various types of bridge to determine their strength and stability. They explored the properties of different materials including card and straws before designing and assembling a wooden truss bridge.